Congregational Life
At JPUC we engage in the life of the church by coming together to listen, tell, show and do. We spend enjoyable and meaningful times together. Our understanding of the Bible, our God, our faith and ourselves grow as we listen, read, discuss, share, question, struggle, create, contemplate, understand and quietly be. Through the sharing of God’s love we are inspired, motivated, engaged, comforted and welcomed.
Sunday Service
Weekly 9.30am – 10.40am.
Our Sunday service accommodates all the generations of our congregation with a mix of contemporary and traditional elements. So, contemporary songs sit beside traditional hymns; moments of deep reflection are interspersed with informality and the breakout of laughter; older adults young at heart join with the banter and learning of the Kids Time.
Options are provided for those of all ages who find it easier to listen while their hands are occupied and people are encouraged to join the music with percussion instruments and to move around the worship space as needed.
All Sunday services offer both in-church and Zoom options. Email us at for the link.
On the First Sunday of each month we serve Holy Communion to anyone in communion with any branch of the Christian church.
3rd Sunday of the month after the Service
JC’s Coffee Shop is held in the hall after worship, on the third Sunday of the month, COVID restrictions permitting.
Brewed coffee and a variety of drinks, together with special treats, may be purchased. Everyone is invited to sit, catch up with friends, welcome someone new, and relax and chat.
5pm on 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month during school terms
Faith@5 is a cooperation with New Lambton Uniting Church which involves intergenerational, interactive worship and discussion activities. It is held at Jesmond Park on the second and fourth Saturday of each month during school terms, beginning at 5 pm.
It aims to provide the opportunity for younger and older members of the church community to interact more informally. While many of the participants are families with school-aged children, people of all ages who enjoy less structured ways of worship are encouraged to attend.
See the What’s On Events page for updates.
Please contact us if you’d like any more information about our worship services and group activities.
children in sunday worship
Weekly 9.30am – 10.40am
In line with research findings about the most successful ways of helping children to develop life long faith, we are exploring ways of integrating our younger members into Sunday worship.
- Each Sunday, there are activity sheets, drawing and colouring sheets and playdough available and children who wish to move around more freely are welcome to do this is the foyer. A volunteer with a Working With Children Check and Child Safe Awareness training is available to keep an eye on them, or parents can stay with them, still able to see and hear what is happening in the church.
- There are often other activities and discussions around the theme of the service for the day – sometimes all-age and sometimes age-group specific.
- Older children are welcome to join the Bible reading and prayer rosters and we encourage families who wish to do so to work together to craft prayers, with support as necessary from the minister.
- Instrumentalists and singers are welcome to join the music team, doing as much as they feel comfortable with.
- Once a term, Kids’ Club members take over leadership of worship – this service alternates between Jesmond Park and New Lambton.
This is a work in progress and feedback from children and their families is always welcome.
Kids Club & Youth Group
Alternating Friday nights during school terms
Primary and high schoolers from the congregation regularly participate in a Friday night fortnightly program which takes place at New Lambton Uniting Church.
Kids Club (years 3-6) is one week and Youth Group (years 7-12) is the alternate week (during school terms only).
All leaders have current Working with Children Checks and have completed Child Safe Awareness training.
Please visit New Lambton Uniting Church’s website for further information regarding youth groups
Christian meditation
7pm every Monday (except public holidays).
The Christian meditation group practices in accordance with the World Community for Christian meditation.
This is an ancient form of prayer which began after the early church was formed. The meditators listen to some quiet music and teaching about the practice, before moving into silence for 20 – 30 minutes. They say a mantra “Ma-ra-na-tha” which helps to quieten mind and body.
The group meets in the Community Room at 7pm every Monday night, except for public holidays. All are welcome – children and adults. No previous experience is necessary.
Small group Studies
One night per week over 6 – 8 weeks.
Special interest studies are held at various times through the year, with each study usually taking place one night a week over a period of 6 to 8 weeks.
Studies are from a variety of sources and are either based on a Bible passage, a particular theme, or perhaps ideas from a selected author.
Please contact us for information on the next study series.